A Celebration of Teams

A Celebration of Teams

What made this team so special? Each of us had technical proficiency in some domain, whether mechanical or electrical engineering, lighting, plasma physics or even theater and theatrical dance. But proficiency in a broad mix of domains wasn’t the magic ingredient. There are many teams that are technically proficient but they don’t ignite that magical spark.

Worthy Defiance

Worthy Defiance

We learn some of our most useful lessons under turbulent conditions. These lessons can start when the predominant cultural narratives of our day interrupt our growth as people. In this extraordinary year of 2020, we must all decide which cultural narratives to defy and which to gracefully assimilate into our hearts, minds and bodies.

Just Breathe

Just Breathe

At Evolve, we often start coaching and facilitation sessions with a few moments of deep, mindful breathing in order to summon present-moment awareness and calm. You can bring this practice into your home as you and your loved ones navigate these stressful, uncertain times.