Defining Your Meaning for Movement

By Bridget Rudy, Certified Personal Trainer and Evolve Fitness Coach

I exercise so that I can impress people with my speed, buy those size 0 jeans and eat pizza guilt-free.”

Eight years ago, that was my meaning for exercise; and with it, I had a draining job and was battling depression. I was living a destructive lifestyle, and I knew change was necessary to redefine meaning for my life.

I quit my job and moved to a minimalistic community in Guatemala—where there was no phone, limited wifi, no post office or maps and no hot water. I learned the importance of self-direction and self-care. Over time, I discovered that movement goes much deeper than how it affects my appearance. Exercise has become my meditation, my avenue to meeting wonderfully unique people and it is how I fell in love with nature. I reframed my meaning for exercise from an extrinsic motivation to an intrinsic value by finding joy, connection and clarity.

Today, I move each day to connect…

  • With myself

  • With others

  • With the Earth

Connect with Myself

We are given one body for this lifetime. It is our duty to love it, cherish it and keep it healthy. Just as we strengthen our brain by working, reading and learning, we strengthen our bodies by exercising, eating nourishing foods and getting enough sleep.

Research shows that regular exercise helps people choose a more nourishing diet and sleep better. Eating nourishing, plant-based foods can reduce the risk of long-term diseases, such as Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes; it can even reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Sleep is how the body and brain repair and recharge.

Bridget Rudy hiking in Washington Stare

Bridget Rudy hiking in Washington Stare

Exercise gives us an opportunity for quiet in a noisy world. It is a time to unplug, to limit distractions and to spend time getting to know yourself. Emotions can come up as you work out, seemingly out of nowhere—presenting you with the option to dig deeper and understand why.

Moving your body also offers you a challenge. You can show yourself how strong you are mentally and physically. You probably heard as a child, “practice makes perfect.” I find this to be true. The more you practice your movement of choice, the stronger your muscles and willpower become, the more self-confidence you have and the more dreams come within your reach.

Studies show that aerobic exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression. In fact, some countries include exercise as a treatment for depression. Exercise produces endorphins, brain chemicals that enhance a person’s sense of well-being. When stress is high or you feel anxiety creeping in, go outside for a walk. Whether as little as 5 minutes, or as long as an hour, this gives you the time you need to pause, breathe and adjust your mood until the stress is released and the anxiety is in check. Movement is powerful in its ability to heal.

Connect with others

Bridget Rudy (left) with her friend in Oahu, Hawaii

Bridget Rudy (left) with her friend in Oahu, Hawaii

I have started or strengthened my closest friendships through exercise. Exercising is a special time because self-esteem is increased, walls are down and there are no screens to distract us. When you’re exercising together, you and your friends are in a state of vulnerability: Strengths and weaknesses are on display. Yet even though you’re in company, you’re also alone with your thoughts.

Working out together is the perfect opportunity to connect. I am an introvert, but when I am moving, especially running or walking, I crave vulnerable connection. There is something about exercise that makes us all feel equal: We are all on a journey of self-discovery, with highs and lows. Everyone has a story. I use movement to learn others’ stories and to build my own.

Connect with The Earth

Yoga can help with grounding and establishing a connection with the Earth. Throughout the practice, you feel the stability of the floor and how solid and reliable the Earth is.

A beautiful bridge in Washington State

A beautiful bridge in Washington State

The peace of mind yoga gives you helps you to live more deeply. As you walk around your neighborhood, you can witness the flowers blooming, birds chirping and the wind blowing. You may notice a gardener tending to the Earth, or a child running in the green grass. The Earth is powerful, healing and peaceful.

I walked toward healing as I took charge of my life during this past eight years. I find myself drawn to the mountains and hiking for hours, which can turn to days. I fall asleep with the stars, wake up to the sunrise, pack my tent and continue walking. It is an empowering feeling to put one foot in front of the other, to feel the pain and soreness, but also the joy and mystery of what I find outside and inside of myself.

Movement presents the opportunity to discover your neighborhood, city and nature in a different, simpler way. Even if you walk the same route or do the same fitness routine every day, you can notice something different every time, or you can appreciate the reliability of something that stays consistent every day.

With movement, you can begin to see the beauty and magic of the Earth. Some days are dark, rainy and seemingly miserable. Rain can be cleansing, give life and offer a fresh start. It shows that storms pass, and the sun shines again.

When people ask me why I prioritize exercise and nutrition, I answer:

  • I love myself

  • I love others

  • I love the Earth

I redefined my meaning for movement, and it brought me peace, clarity and love.

So now I challenge you: What is your meaning for movement?